Yes, we've all been in this covid lockdown together. Our whole country and most of the world has been in this together. I haven't done too bad at being locked down. I'm sort of a homebody anymore as it is. It gave me time to work on getting my business mojo a little more consistent and learn some new tools. Heck, I even tried some HTML programming for a hot minute and realized that wasn't the route I wanted to take for that particular project. It might still show up in my future, ya never know. For now, I'm sticking with the tools I have and use them the best I can for what I'm trying to achieve.
Sometimes I feel like that when I'm creating too. I get a project in my head that I want to try, and have to get tools and learn how they work in order to make it how my vision sees it. So many times it is just easier to do it with what I have on hand and it turns out just as wonderful as the vision! Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Trust me, every person that you think is really good at something had a lot of do-overs to get where they are. Now let's talk hair, cutting hair is not something that is really do-over worthy. My hair is probably the worst part about being on lockdown. But being on lockdown made it ok to have bad hair! It grew of course which isnt the problem. It's the curls that came out and the waviness! The humidity in the air makes it get all wonky! It was mostly the front that puffed up and was just untameable! So, I did what I could with the tools on hand and made it look presentable most of the time. I knew I wasn't going to be able to do any sort of trimming, heck I wouldn't even know where to start. My hair is always really short, but still has some shape to it. I just knew that wasn't an area I wanted to play around in. I know it would grow back, but it didnt bother me THAT much. So when the 15th came around and I finally got to get in, guess what I did! If you guessed that I didn't get it cut, you'd be right! While I did get it all cut, it was a trim. I don't know what I was thinking! I was hoping the fact that I've tried to grow it out for years and never make it would be easier with a 4 month headstart I guess. I'm sure I'll make an appointment to cut it off before my already scheduled appointment gets here.
Now in my stamping world, do-overs are pretty much a common occurrance. I have a lot of practice pieces to get to my final piece, but that's ok. I like to try something new and see how it comes together when I'm working with scissors and paper, just not scissors and my hair! I'll be posting quite a few projects in the next few days. I am torn on all the redundant posts but I think I need to keep posting here for you guys. I've been creating some project instructions outside of TAMS and just haven't come in here to post them. As my followers grow (I hope you are sharing my blog with others), I'll want to have a go to place for you to find what you are looking for. I'm keeping GreenThumbStampers in the foreground so you can find my blog, facebook and YouTube channel easier. I'm really proud of how far I have come....just going to leave the scissors for paper only!!