BONUS DAYS are here!!

Happy Friday and happy holiday weekend!  Yep, it's the 4th of July tomorrow and it's going to be very different than any other year.  There won't be parades or fireworks, due to social distancing, but I'm still planning to spend some time with my family.  We'll have an intimate cookout and call it good.  This dang virus sure has thrown 2020 for a loop!  Who knows what's in store for us.  I do know what's in store for the month of July at Stampin' UP! though!!  It's called BONUS DAYS!!!

We love our great promotions, and bonus days does not disappoint!  You will earn a $5 coupon for every $50 you spend on products.  There isn't any limit to how many coupons you can get or how many orders it takes you to get them.  You earn the coupon in July and redeem it for free products in August.  Easy as that.  You can click on my shop now button at the top of this page to get started.  

Details:  You purchase $50 in products and get a code emailed to you (keep track of it!) that you redeem starting August 4th for free merchandise.  You can spend just what you have in the free coupons or keep on shopping!  Starting August 4th the new Aug-Dec mini catalog will be live as well.  Some old favorites are back from last year, and tons of new items.

Have an awesome holiday weekend, please be safe!

Creativity is like a seed, when nutured, it will bloom.


I got a haircut, well I got them all cut!

Yes, we've all been in this covid lockdown together.  Our whole country and most of the world has been in this together.  I haven't done too bad at being locked down.  I'm sort of a homebody anymore as it is.  It gave me time to work on getting my business mojo a little more consistent and learn some new tools.  Heck, I even tried some HTML programming for a hot minute and realized that wasn't the route I wanted to take for that particular project.  It might still show up in my future, ya never know.  For now, I'm sticking with the tools I have and use them the best I can for what I'm trying to achieve.

Sometimes I feel like that when I'm creating too.  I get a project in my head that I want to try, and have to get tools and learn how they work in order to make it how my vision sees it.  So many times it is just easier to do it with what I have on hand and it turns out just as wonderful as the vision!  Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  Trust me, every person that you think is really good at something had a lot of do-overs to get where they are.  Now let's talk hair, cutting hair is not something that is really do-over worthy.  My hair is probably the worst part about being on lockdown.  But being on lockdown made it ok to have bad hair!  It grew of course which isnt the problem.  It's the curls that came out and the waviness!  The humidity in the air makes it get all wonky!  It was mostly the front that puffed up and was just untameable!  So, I did what I could with the tools on hand and made it look presentable most of the time.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to do any sort of trimming, heck I wouldn't even know where to start.  My hair is always really short, but still has some shape to it.  I just knew that wasn't an area I wanted to play around in.  I know it would grow back, but it didnt bother me THAT much.  So when the 15th came around and I finally got to get in, guess what I did!  If you guessed that I didn't get it cut, you'd be right!  While I did get it all cut, it was a trim.  I don't know what I was thinking!  I was hoping the fact that I've tried to grow it out for years and never make it would be easier with a 4 month headstart I guess.  I'm sure I'll make an appointment to cut it off before my already scheduled appointment gets here.  

Now in my stamping world, do-overs are pretty much a common occurrance.  I have a lot of practice pieces to get to my final piece, but that's ok.  I like to try something new and see how it comes together when I'm working with scissors and paper, just not scissors and my hair!  I'll be posting quite a few projects in the next few days.  I am torn on all the redundant posts but I think I need to keep posting here for you guys.  I've been creating some project instructions outside of TAMS and just haven't come in here to post them.  As my followers grow (I hope you are sharing my blog with others), I'll want to have a go to place for you to find what you are looking for.  I'm keeping GreenThumbStampers in the foreground so you can find my blog, facebook and YouTube channel easier.  I'm really proud of how far I have come....just going to leave the scissors for paper only!!

Fun days in the craft room

Hi all!  I wanted to touch base and check in with everyone.  I hope you are all doing ok since we are still on lockdown.  I see it easing up more in the days ahead.  Michigan has stay at home orders now until June 12th and that has a lot of people really climbing the walls.  I am really trying to throw myself into my stamping business and see what I can do with it.  I'm having a lot of fun down here in my craft room.  Having a tough time remembering all of the areas to update, like this blog.  Maybe one day when I get followers I can learn more of how to maximize the platforms so it isn't redundant work.  For now, it is what it is and I just keep on stampin' along.

I have managed to do quite a bit of stamping and trying to put that out on social media.  I've done a few video tutorials and make up the instructions that I have on google docs.  I posted the Good Morning Magnolia card right before this post and the link to those instructions is on that post.  I have to try again to maximize the platforms and see what works best.  This site does really good instructions, but I don't know how to keep them "private".  I have been doing my paper pumpkin instructions and saving them just for the VIP facebook group.  Sort of an exclusive for being part of my group.  I will post the photos here though, I forgot to do that for the April kit that we just did.  We have been doing a Zoom call the last couple of months and it works out pretty well.  As long as we learn to not all talk at once.

   These are the cards we did for the April kit.  I have to get started on designing for the May kit but I have a lot of other things to do before that, like Father's Day cards.  The place I sell them is asking for some graduation and Father's Day so I have been doing that over this holiday weekend.  Speaking of that....I hope you are all enjoying the long weekend and warm weather!  Take care, stay safe and don't overheat!  My dinner timer is going off so I'd better go tend to that......until next time, may all your creations bloom.


How are you doing?

Hey all!  Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing during our quarantine?  Are you finding enough to keep you busy?  I suppose with household chores and projects that a little crafting relief is probably there too.  At least I hope it is.

I have been working really hard on my Stampin' UP! business.  Doing my best to get some videos out there.  I hope you were able to watch the One Sheet Wonder segments I did.  I posted the link to the directions finally.  I messed around with making the group private and changed back to public and that really messed with the group.  I finally just went ahead and put the directions out there and posted the link.  Here it is One Sheet Wonder   Have fun making your own One Sheet Wonder, my template makes eleven cards!  I have a couple other card videos out on my facebook page too, check them out..

These cards are the ones I just finished for my Paper Pumpkin group.  I have one more to cut and then I'll get them mailed to the girls.  We will do a zoom call and create them together.  This should be so much fun!!  It's been pretty lonely down here in my creative space without anyone coming over.  That also means it's a huge mess since I don't have to keep it cleaned up!!  I can go from one project to another without even thinking about it!  Then when I raise my head and look around **GULP**, oh what have I done!!!  That's ok, right!?  I have time to clean it up before anyone sees it.  I'll keep the wall at my back for videos and I'm good.  Ha Ha!!  Ok everyone....I won't keep rambling.  Being on lockdown will have me talking non stop one day!

"Boredom is a wonderful push to creativity"  - Tony Dokoupil

Love and Hugs,
